Monday, March 3, 2008

Violence is the Answer

Question. What do you do when someone doesn't agree with your particular point of view? Simple, you just punch them in the face and then continue to beat them senseless. At least that seems to be the logic followed by the folks at ELF (Earth Liberation Front). If you don't like something that belongs to someone else, just destroy it. Same 'ol radical leftist agenda here folks... Kill the rich and empower the exploited.

Suspicious Fire Burns Luxury Homes in Seattle Suburb; Explosives Found and ELF Suspected

And while, members of ELF are still only suspects in the particular case, their violent history in the name of environmental causes has been well documented over the years. Not that I'd ever advocate stooping to such levels, but wouldn't it be hilarious if someone found out where these losers lived and burned down their houses? Hey, I'm just an Anti-Eco-Terrorist-Terrorist.

Eco-Terrorist. Always seemed like an oxy-moron to me. Or perhaps it was just the "moron" part that stood out.

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