Bush to shift on climate change
Shift? From what to what? Not really sure. As any good politician would do, the President and his cabinet have recently developed a "comprehensive plan" to combat increased green-house gas emissions and at the same time keep us from destroying our economy. Talk about a high-wire act...
The new goal for curtailing greenhouse gas emissions is an attempt to short-circuit what White House aides call a potential regulatory "train wreck" if Congress doesn't act on climate change. The president's speech is aimed at shaping the debate on global warming in favor of solving the problem while avoiding heavy costs to industry and the economy.And people say Bush is out of touch. Well, let's just hope it turns out little better than the whole Bio-fuel debacle. That was born out good intentions too... ya know?
All hope does not appear lost however, as Bush still may have some wits about him with regards to possible solutions to this apparent global crisis...
In his speech, however, the president will not slam the door on discussing market-based approaches to stem the rise in greenhouse gas emissions.Gee, I hope not. That's a little reassuring. It's either that or turn the whole thing over to the UN right? I'm sure that the first thing they'd do is outlaw all BBQ in the state of Texas.
Seems like a lot of people resort to really strange behavior when they're not as popular as they used to be. No wonder he has lost so much favor with those who consider themselves limited- government Conservatives.
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