Scientists trash plastic bag ban
You see, when we have what appears to be a legitimate scientific source negating many of the "so-called" facts regarding the environmental impact of plastic shopping bags, the person is immediately labeled a kook, or at the very least on the payroll of the Plastic Bag Industry (anyone have proof of that?). By the way, how much coverage do you think this particular story is going to get?
On the other hand, when "legitimate" scientific sources tell us that the Earth is going to melt in 10 years unless everyone gives up their SUVs, we're supposed to swallow it like gospel. Without question. This is the kind of thing that makes me reach for the Advil.
As far as the bags are concerned, the story points out some flaws in the original pretense that I'm sure will be conveniently glossed over...
"The claim that the bags kill more than 100,000 marine mammals every year is based on a misinterpretation of a 1987 Canadian study in Newfoundland, which found that, between 1981 and 1984, more than 100,000 animals were killed by discarded nets. The Canadian study did not mention plastic bags."Subsequent studies also seem to teeter somewhere between "yes they [plastic shopping bags] are huge problem to "no they aren't."
Why don't you guys give me a wake up call when you've reached a final answer.
Also included in the story is a quote from Lord Taverne (I know, cool name) who heads up a non-profit think-tank known as Sense About Science. This guy wins the quote of the day award and possibly of the year...
"The Government is irresponsible to jump on a bandwagon that has no base in scientific evidence. This is one of many examples where you get bad science leading to bad decisions which are counter-productive.""Attacking plastic bags makes people feel good but it doesn't achieve anything."
At least it's nice to know that Lord Taverne sees this pretty much the way I do. Too many people are getting caught up in way too much emotion and ignoring facts about what our environment may really be saying.
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