No way to fix climate without private sector: UNDP
That's right. They've come to the conclusion that a large bloated global bureaucracy cannot solve all of the ills of this World. Imagine that. While I don't agree in any way that their misguided premise (i.e. the need to fight "climate change") they do admit that they can't really save the planet alone. Maybe they've figured out that the best way to foster a truly innovative atmosphere is to just leave people alone and let them figure it out for themselves, instead of regulating and legislating them into submission. But I won't hold my breath.
By the way, do we really need to fix the climate? I didn't know it was ever broken.
This nice, short article is pure comedy from the get-go. Check out this profound statement by Kemal Dervis, head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)..
"The private sector must be encouraged to help developing countries combat climate change now, before it becomes too severe to handle, the head said."Encouraged? Like how? By taxing people and passing on the revenue to subsidize useless eco-friendly product development that is totally irrelevant of market forces? Pure genius.
How about this guys... let consumers figure our what they want to do about this issue and what they expect the companies they buy products from to do if they want to stay in business.
Dear UN Team, ...If evil dictator warlords thumb their noses at the UN, what makes you think corporations will not do the same? They fear the consumer... not you.
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