Temperature Monitors Report Wide-scale Global Cooling
Of course as we all know, many global warming alarmists had quietly anticipated such a scenario; hence the subtle (and quite brilliant) branding change from Global Warming to the all-encompassing "catch-all" Climate Change.
Mr. Asher notes (as have I) that the latest evidence points to the Sun being exponentially more influential on our planet's climate than all of the human impact combined...
"Scientists quoted in a past DailyTech article link the cooling to reduced solar activity which they claim is a much larger driver of climate change than man-made greenhouse gases."Ouch! My narcissistic ego just took a major blow after that one.
Absolutely amazing. Billions of dollars spent, countless hours of research and heated debate only to find out that the only real threat of serious climate change would need to start with a dramatic change to how the Sun affects the Earth. Deep down, I think most of us already knew that by the time we were five years old.
By the way, have you ever heard of a little thing called the winter solstice or the summer equinox? These terms are not new, they've been around for almost as long as we have. This would explain why places like St. Louis Missouri are frigid in January and sweltering in August. Just like they should be. And guess what, none of these solstices or equinoxes or even Goldi-lockses exist unless the Sun says so...
On a more sobering note, Mr. Asher also points out something that actually makes sense about why many of us would prefer a warming Earth to a cooling one...
"Cold is more damaging than heat. The mean temperature of the planet is about 54 degrees. Humans -- and most of the crops and animals we depend on -- prefer a temperature closer to 70."And all the while, the dopes at places like FlexYourPower.Org are tying to convince us that Global Warming is something we need to fight together, by changing our light bulbs and washing our laundry with cold water instead of hot.
This is all very confusing...
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