Thursday, March 27, 2008


A reader recently sent me the following cartoon. Seems appropriate to post, considering all of my recent alternative-fuels rants. Thanx Ric! Enjoy...

Artist Credit: Michael Ramirez

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

John Stossel Slaps Back

I've got to admit that the only time I remember seeing John Stossel was when he got b**ch-slapped by pro wrestler "Dr. D." during the early days of his career. (Man, that's good TV!) As the years wore on however, Mr. Stossel has not only recovered, but flourished in a niche career as an investigative journalist. Although most of the key points he addresses in this segment on Global Warming have already been dissected many times over, I find some of the information he reveals well worth the time. Plus, you can't miss the footage of John interviewing a bunch of elementary kids on the subject of Global Warming. It's fairly creepy to watch them respond to his questions like programmed robots...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Too good to be true Two?

OK, so a few months ago I talked about the Biofuel Bandwagon and the consequences of jumping into fossil-fuel alternatives that may not be all that they are cracked up to be. How many of us have seen these wanna-be Greenies driving around town in their Flex-Fuel vehicles with their collective holier-than-thou noses in the air? Well here's something else that us loathsome, polluting heathens may find solace in...

Top scientists warn against rush to biofuel

That's right. Further evidence from the EU that even the best intentions... (well, you know the rest)

Professor Bob Watson urges us to do something rare amidst all of this eco-chic, global warming hysteria... think carefully:
In an outspoken attack on a policy which comes into force next week, Professor Bob Watson, the chief scientific adviser at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, said it would be wrong to introduce compulsory quotas for the use of biofuels in petrol and diesel before their effects had been properly assessed.
What?! He actually suggests that we assess the situation and look at the results instead of just jumping in head-first with all sorts of new rules and regulations? Heretic!

And don't forget about what some of us have heard about the effect bio-fuel mania will have on the World's food prices. Most Bio-fuel is made from basic food staples like corn and potatoes. Don't take my word for it. Here's what Johh Beddington, the [UK] government's current chief scientific adviser had to say about it...

John Beddington, the government's current chief scientific adviser, has already expressed scepticism about biofuels. At a speech in Westminster this month he said demand for biofuels from the US had delivered a "major shock" to world agriculture, which was raising food prices globally. "There are real problems with the unsustainability of biofuels," he said, adding that cutting down rainforest to grow the crops was "profoundly stupid".

"Profoundly stupid?" Yeah, I'd agree with that John...

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Planet has a Cold

New information regarding recent winter temperature data has just been released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). I'm not going to draw any conclusions on what I've read so far, but these seem to be the kinds of things that make it difficult for global warming doom-sayers to get any kind of traction these days...

NOAA: Coolest Winter Since 2001 for U.S., Globe

If you look at the graphic provided by NOAA (below), you can see that much of the Western U.S. experienced mostly below average temps this past winter (by the way, it still feels like winter here in Southern California- Brrrr!)

You will also see that that parts of the South and Eastern U.S. experienced above normal temps. So what does this all mean?

Again, I'm not going to try and draw an conclusions from this, but "it is what it is." As I discussed in a previous post (The Final Nail?) I think we should all be more concerned about cooling temperatures rather than warming temperatures. It's a fact, the former is much more detrimental to life as we know it.

One other thing. The report also discussed recent precipitation data from this past winter and notes...
"In terms of winter precipitation, Pacific storms, bringing heavy precipitation to large parts of the West, produced high snowpack that will provide welcome runoff this spring."
Does this mean that all our collective worries about drought ravaged fields in the West have just been nullified? Again I'm not sure, but we'll take the water.

What I do know, is that a nice hot bowl of soup would really hit the sport right about now...

Friday, March 14, 2008

I agree. But do it anyway...

Make up your mind. First, everyone says we need to ban plastic shopping bags (see previous post: Be Happy- That's an Order!) for various environmental reasons. Now I'm catching news that most of the data supporting these bans may be complete hogwash...

Scientists trash plastic bag ban

You see, when we have what appears to be a legitimate scientific source negating many of the "so-called" facts regarding the environmental impact of plastic shopping bags, the person is immediately labeled a kook, or at the very least on the payroll of the Plastic Bag Industry (anyone have proof of that?). By the way, how much coverage do you think this particular story is going to get?

On the other hand, when "legitimate" scientific sources tell us that the Earth is going to melt in 10 years unless everyone gives up their SUVs, we're supposed to swallow it like gospel. Without question. This is the kind of thing that makes me reach for the Advil.

As far as the bags are concerned, the story points out some flaws in the original pretense that I'm sure will be conveniently glossed over...
"The claim that the bags kill more than 100,000 marine mammals every year is based on a misinterpretation of a 1987 Canadian study in Newfoundland, which found that, between 1981 and 1984, more than 100,000 animals were killed by discarded nets. The Canadian study did not mention plastic bags."
Subsequent studies also seem to teeter somewhere between "yes they [plastic shopping bags] are huge problem to "no they aren't."

Why don't you guys give me a wake up call when you've reached a final answer.

Also included in the story is a quote from Lord Taverne (I know, cool name) who heads up a non-profit think-tank known as Sense About Science. This guy wins the quote of the day award and possibly of the year...
"The Government is irresponsible to jump on a bandwagon that has no base in scientific evidence. This is one of many examples where you get bad science leading to bad decisions which are counter-productive."

"Attacking plastic bags makes people feel good but it doesn't achieve anything."

At least it's nice to know that Lord Taverne sees this pretty much the way I do. Too many people are getting caught up in way too much emotion and ignoring facts about what our environment may really be saying.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Deep Thoughts at the UN

The geniuses at the UN have recently admitted to having a shocking revelation regarding climate change...

No way to fix climate without private sector: UNDP

That's right. They've come to the conclusion that a large bloated global bureaucracy cannot solve all of the ills of this World. Imagine that. While I don't agree in any way that their misguided premise (i.e. the need to fight "climate change") they do admit that they can't really save the planet alone. Maybe they've figured out that the best way to foster a truly innovative atmosphere is to just leave people alone and let them figure it out for themselves, instead of regulating and legislating them into submission. But I won't hold my breath.

By the way, do we really need to fix the climate? I didn't know it was ever broken.

This nice, short article is pure comedy from the get-go. Check out this profound statement by Kemal Dervis, head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)..
"The private sector must be encouraged to help developing countries combat climate change now, before it becomes too severe to handle, the head said."
Encouraged? Like how? By taxing people and passing on the revenue to subsidize useless eco-friendly product development that is totally irrelevant of market forces? Pure genius.

How about this guys... let consumers figure our what they want to do about this issue and what they expect the companies they buy products from to do if they want to stay in business.

Dear UN Team, ...If evil dictator warlords thumb their noses at the UN, what makes you think corporations will not do the same? They fear the consumer... not you.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Violence is the Answer

Question. What do you do when someone doesn't agree with your particular point of view? Simple, you just punch them in the face and then continue to beat them senseless. At least that seems to be the logic followed by the folks at ELF (Earth Liberation Front). If you don't like something that belongs to someone else, just destroy it. Same 'ol radical leftist agenda here folks... Kill the rich and empower the exploited.

Suspicious Fire Burns Luxury Homes in Seattle Suburb; Explosives Found and ELF Suspected

And while, members of ELF are still only suspects in the particular case, their violent history in the name of environmental causes has been well documented over the years. Not that I'd ever advocate stooping to such levels, but wouldn't it be hilarious if someone found out where these losers lived and burned down their houses? Hey, I'm just an Anti-Eco-Terrorist-Terrorist.

Eco-Terrorist. Always seemed like an oxy-moron to me. Or perhaps it was just the "moron" part that stood out.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Funny Headlines

I know it's purely anecdotal, but headlines like this always make me laugh. Courtesy of Drudge...

Looks like the Cardboard Box Sled Derby will be postponed until Friday. That sucks. I'm sure the good folks in New Hampshire are wondering what happened to all that Global Warming (er, I mean Climate Change) they ordered...